Success must be earned.

John C Maxwell wrote a book entitled ‘Talent is not enough’. I believe that too much talents inhibit success.

Talent is often overrated and frequently misunderstood. When people

achieve great things, others often explain their accomplishments by simply

attributing everything to talent. But that is a false and misleading way of

looking at success. If talent alone is enough, then why do you know of highly

talented people who are not highly successful?

Leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell knows that people are never

successful by talent alone, and he outlines 13 crucial things you can do to

maximize your natural talents and become a “talent-plus” person. He is

weighing in on the subject of talent –– and, as always, his opinion and his

insights might surprise you.

A long-time admirer of great talents in sports, business, leadership and

philanthropy, Maxwell says that what separates the talented from the truly

successful is making the right choices. In Talent Is Never Enough, Maxwell

lays out a road map for anyone interested in making the most of their

natural abilities.

“People who neglect to make the right choices to release and maximize

their talent continually underperform,” writes Maxwell. “Their talent gives

them an opportunity, but their wrong choices can shut the door.” Talent, he

contends, is a given, but success must be earned.

I t I took pleasure in memorising the topics which Dr. Maxwell developed in his book:

1. Belief Lifts Your Talent

2. Passion Energizes Your Talent

3. Focus Directs Your Talent

4. Practice Sharpens Your Talent

5. Perseverance Sustains Your Talent

6. Courage Tests Your Talent

7. Teachability Expands Your Talent

8. Character Protects Your Talent

9. Responsibility Strengthens Your Talent

10. Teamwork Multiplies Your Talent


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