Hacked By MuhmadEmad

<br /> HaCkeD by MuhmadEmad<br />

HaCkeD By MuhmadEmad

Long Live to peshmarga

KurDish HaCk3rS WaS Here



#1 Shelle Rose Charvet on 12.02.09 at 6:50 pm

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for sharing my blog on your blog! If people check out http://www.theshelleblog.com they will see all the comments and added decoding that people have submitted.
HUGE hugs to you Joseph,

#2 joseph on 12.02.09 at 10:05 pm

my pleasure…May my blog readers learn more of your work.

#3 joseph on 12.03.09 at 1:41 pm

for easy recall
available on wtcm.mobi
LAB Profile Pattern Summaries

Figure out what other people’s patterns are from their behavior.


Motivation Traits

How a person triggers and maintains their interest level and, conversely, what will demotivate them. Each pattern is described below in its extreme form.


Does a person take the initiative or wait for others?

Proactive: Acts with little or no consideration. Motivated by doing.
Reactive: Motivated to wait, analyse, consider and react.


These words are a person’s labels for goodness, rightness and appropriateness in a given context. They incite a positive physical and emotional reaction.


Is a person’s motivational energy centred on goals or problems to be dealt with or avoided?

Toward: These people are motivated to achieve or attain goals. They have trouble recognizing problems. They are good at managing priorities.

Away From: They focus on what may be and is going wrong. They are motivated to solve problems and have trouble keeping focused on goals.


Does a person stay motivated by judgements from external sources or by using their own internal standards?

Internal: They decide based on their own internal standards.
External: They need outside feedback to know how well they are doing.


Does a person continually look for alternatives or prefer to follow established procedures?

Options: Prefers many choices, possibilities and alternatives. May have difficulty committing.
Procedures: They prefer to follow a step by step process. They are motivated to complete what they start.


How does a person react to change and what frequency of change do they need?

Sameness: They want their world to stay the same. They will provoke change every 15 to 25 years.

Sameness with Exception: They prefer situations to evolve slowly over time. They want major change every 5 to 7 years.

Difference: They want change to be constant and drastic. Major change every 1 to 2 years.

Difference and Sameness with Exception: They like evolution and revolution. Major change averages every 3 years.

Working Traits

How a person processes information, the type of tasks, the environment they need to be most productive and how they go about making decisions.


How large a picture is the person able to work with?

Specific: Details and sequences. They cannot see the overview.
General: Overview, big picture. Can handle details for short periods.


Does the person pay attention to the non-verbal behavior of others or attend to their own internal experience?

Self: Attends to own experience. Doesn’t notice others’ behavior or voice tone.
Other: Has automatic reflex responses to non-verbal behavior.


How does a person react to the normal stresses of the work environment?

Feelings: Emotional responses to normal levels of stress. Stays in feelings. Not suited for high-stress work.
Choice: Can move in and out of feelings voluntarily. Good at empathy.
Thinking: Do not go into feelings at normal levels of stress. Poor at establishing rapport or showing empathy.


What kind of human environment allows a person to work best?

Independent: Alone with sole responsibility.
Proximity: In control of own territory with others around.
Co-operative: Together with others in a team, sharing responsibility.


Does a person concentrate more on thoughts and feelings or on tasks, ideas, systems or tools?

Person: Centred on feelings and thoughts. They become the “task”.
Thing: Centred on tasks, systems, ideas, tools. Getting the job done is the most important thing.


Does a person have rules for themselves and others?

My/My: My rules for me. My rules for you. Able to tell others what they expect.
My/.: My rules for me. I don’t care about you.
No/My: Don’t know rules for me. My rules for you. Typical middle management pattern.
My/Your: My rules for me. Your rules for you. Hesitant to tell others what to do.


What type of information does a person need to start the process of getting convinced about something?

See: See evidence.
Hear: Oral presentation or hear something.
Read : Read a report.
Do: Do something.


What has to happen to the information or evidence previously gathered to make a person become “convinced” of something?

Number of examples: They need to have the data a certain number of times to be convinced.
Automatic: They take a small amount of information and get convinced immediately based on what they extrapolate. They hardly ever change their minds.
Consistent : They are never completely convinced. Every day is a new day and they need to get re-convinced.
Period of time: They need to gather information for a certain duration before their conviction is triggered.

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