Re-Branding Mauritius


If the country brand strategy is able to bring benefits to the economic, social and cultural aspects of Mauritius, then why not?

I overheard some guys saying 30 millions of rupees to produce the logo? Any gifted child could have done better!

I had the opportunity of reading a 39 page document that was produced for the Country Brand Strategy. Admittedly there has been much work and research done.


The Brand Strategy describes the platform for all future communications

for Mauritius. As the first initiative, a new Mauritius Country Brand Logo

has been created along with a special purpose strap line to be a symbol

of the Positioning: “Generosity of spirit” and the Proposition: “Mauritius

Nurtures”. An example of this new Logo appears at the bottom of this

page. The rules for the use and typography of the new Logo are set out

in a separate book entitled “Brand Mauritius Visual Identity Guidelines”.

I quite like “Generosity of spirit” and “Mauritius nurtures”.

I read through the papers thereon last week. The comments I saw are so typical of our lot.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I hope that a monitoring is in place to pursue the branding exercise, its roll out and more importantly to measure the value derived from it.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 joseph on 10.28.09 at 4:01 pm

read the comment from Mauritius Times:
and another comment read on the British paper:
I maintain that the proof of the pudding is in the eating?

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