Shame on us! World class Entrepreneurs of tomorrow

Last week, I was watching on TV the African games which are being held at the Bambous stadium, featuring some world class athletes from the continent. My pride of my country turned into shame and horror.

The final of the 1500meters women was marred by a regrettable event. A large sun shade placed in the middle of the stadium was blown by the wind across the running track. The shade struck the runners. One of the world champions, a contender of the gold medal, was knocked down. She was thus unable to finish the race. I understood that this event was broadcasted live to a number of African countries and was covered by the world sports press. As a Mauritian I felt shameful.

Aucune autre concurrente ne put résister à l’accélération de l’Algérienne Nouria Benida Merah à cent cinquante mètres du but au 1500 m. Elle gagna détachée en 4’23″26, une victoire significative pour cette athlète qui retrouve le haut niveau après cinq ans d’absence pour cause de maternité et de blessure. La Ghanéenne Millicent Boadi ne put terminer la course après avoir été heurtée par un parasol qui avait été emporté par le vent.

Le Mauricien 12th Aug

I understand, the local press played low key on this issue and brushed up the event as an accident. I strongly ressent against the amateurish way, Mauritians act. Were there norms for fixing objects in the stadium to prevent such incidents?

There again is a blatant example where norms do not exist and the authorities do not think of norms and standard.

We want to become world class to compete in the future. Then, we need to adopt world class stardard and norms.


#1 Stephen Naicken on 08.13.06 at 9:17 pm

I think this event was a missed opportunity . The coverage in the online Mauritian newspapers was limited and the official website returned SQL server errors every time I visited it. I get the impression that it really didn’t capture the imagination of the public, business and media. Of course, being so far away it is difficult to tell what it was really like, so I may be wrong. Please correct me if I am!

As for the incident you describe, well these kind of things happen in world class stadia in the west, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

#2 joseph on 08.13.06 at 9:39 pm

Thanks for your comments. A line on the incident on the general report of the sports event was the only press report I had found. Surely I do not to blow it up. To learn from this unfortunate mishap is more important.Mauritius must learn to have standards.

#3 Olivier on 08.13.06 at 10:53 pm

That’s funny. I think we not only need to set standards, but also to uphold and stick to them. The reason why we want standards is to instill the notion of consistency. I would also like to argue that another thing that mauritians need in order to achieve its potential is the concept of meritocracy. One should be commended for their efforts and deeds rather than for his/her gender, ethnicity and religion. The gold standard should be consistent performance. The road ahead looks to be quite rocky, but I have high hopes for my mother land.

#4 joseph on 08.14.06 at 9:10 am

Very true, standards for consistency and measurements. Evaluation of potential and making room for the future is another aspect to be taken for promotion.This week we saw Beckam losing his slot in the England national team.

#5 Faisal... on 08.15.06 at 5:56 pm

Hello Joseph

Mauritius is a very beautiful country but with these little “big” flaws: “lack of organisation”, “big vision but no implementation” and “blame others for the mishap”. Nevertherless, it is still my paradise on earth.

I have never been to Rodrigues but from what I have heard, it is even better there. 🙂

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