Aviation in China

My early work life in aviation has given me a continued interest in the world of aviation. I lived in the 60’s the transition from the propeller aircraft to the jets and the transition when air transport was of the domain of the select few ‘rich and mighty’ to the domain of almost all.

It is forecasted that China would require some 2900 wide bodied aircrafts by 2025 for its needs, based by the trend drawn from the curve of the last decade. No wonder the two world aircraft manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing are focusing on the China market. China itself with such a large market and having achieved a level of technology, it would be natural for China to eye entering the aircraft manufacturing market. From last week world news, it would appear that Boeing is ahead of the game as they have entered into an agreement with the Chinese authorities for exchange of know-how to allow China to enter the industry. Analysts at Airfinance Journal are now evaluating when China will be the number three world plane maker?

The Boeing Company recently held a conference in Beijing to discuss the design and construction of its new 7E7 jetliner. The 7E7 is to be a super-efficient, long-range aircraft pushing the edge in aviation technology. Boeing China president David Wang was quoted in China Daily as saying that Boeing wants more Chinese participation in the program because it sees Beijing as a strategically important part of its globalization strategy. “Boeing should become more Chinese in China,” said Wang, “Twenty years from now, China will view Boeing as a global China brand, not just a global brand….We must be more Chinese in our leadership, and in content… have more designs, capability coming from China in the long term.”

Extracted from China Brief of James town Foundation

At the 2007 Paris Air Show, where Airbus booked firm order of over 400 aircrafts, it was reported that Russian aircraft manufacturers seem to have made some progress in re-organising themselves. The Italians have signed in with the Russians for a fleet of medium size aircraft. Would there be a market large enough for this type of aircraft for China to get involved?