We all know that on average we shall live much longer than our parents. The question is how will we coop with old age and possibly restricted physical movements? Would there be need to be taken to a nursing home or not?

The Europeans are launching a pilot project under the name of MonAMI to study this issue. With technology they intend to make older people more autonomous within their own home. I found that the technologies deployed were clever and ingenious.


The overall objective of MonAMI is to mainstream accessibility in consumer goods and services, including public services, through applied research and development, using advanced technologies to ensure equal access, independent living and participation for all in the Information Society.


The MonAMI project will demonstrate that accessible, useful services for elderly persons and persons with disabilities living at home can be delivered in mainstream systems and platforms. This will be done in close cooperation with users and by involving key mainstream actors throughout the whole process.


Previous European projects have shown that technological augmentation of the living space can help elderly people and people with disabilities to carry out daily living tasks increase their quality of life, thus reducing the need for institutional and other care. Unfortunately, the results of these projects have often stayed in the laboratory or only been implemented on a small, local scale.  MonAMI will build on these experiences and aim for large-scale mainstream deployment.

Could we have some of the technologies imported to Mauritius? Entrepreneurs there could be an opportunity to exploit?


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