We shall have to modify our eating and drinking habits. The price of milk and milk derivative products is likely to reach higher price. In Mauritius, the production of milk is negligible in comparison to our consumption: Mauritius dependents on imports mainly from Australia, Europe and South Africa. We all recall the flop that the government State Trading Corporation had to face with the import of Indian milk.
The world scene of milk production and consumption is indicating a sharp increase of world market price.
In Europe, the price of cattle feeds has shot up as demand increases. The demand for milk and milk products are increasing so rapidly that the EC stock reserves are depleted and EC is considering increasing the production quotas. However the cycle to start production of milk will take some time. The higher demand comes from developing countries and mainly China.
In Australia, a large country producer of milk, the last drought has affected the production. The accrued demand for export has driven the export prices to new heights. This has resulted in a decreased export volume of production at higher prices.
Where do we in Mauritius stand in the face of this situation? What can we do?
Well change our eating and drinking habits. Do we need to eat Ras malai every week? Do we need to drink Alouda so often? With the rising price of gateau ‘dilait’ can be afford to eat them? We are under the tyranny of our purse. Last week our flat neighbour offered us some Soya milk, since she tried out her Soya milk making machine. For breakfast, I ventured to add the vegetarian fat free Soya milk to my brewed cup of Golden Pekoe tea. How awful! The pinch of my purse is not painful enough for me to accept the change in taste. However I sampled a cold glass of vanilla flavoured Soya milk drink; I was delighted.
The pinch of the purse will definitely drive the change in habits of the Mauritian.Adieu mon morceau de Camembert!