Foremost trait of the Entrepreneur

What is the foremost trait of an entrepreneur?

Olaf Isachen, author of Entrepreneurial Elite answered:

“The hallmark of entrepreneurs is a never-ending desire to improve, along with an abiding interest in learning all they can.”

Entrepreneurs stay focused on one or two issues of importance long enough to begin to achieve the desired results. They know they cannot be all things to all people, and their strength comes from being highly focused, particularly during critical moments. Entrepreneurs also have another thing in common: They are deeply committed to contribute from their personal and unique perspective. They realize that those who profit from the status quo and “business as usual” cannot and will not champion their entrepreneurial course and indeed may turn out to be among their greatest enemies.

Entrepreneurs thrive on challenges during periods of uncertainty. Although they cannot control certain events, they can take advantage of those events and adapt faster than their competitors. They experience others as incapable of seeing opportunities. Theirs is a journey of discovery, the focus of which is to alter the perceptions and the view of what is known.

Freedom is the lifeblood of entrepreneurs; freedom means increased options. People can’t be creative and content while shaping the future if inhibited by the limitations of what is known. Therefore, they are natural, hopeful risk takers, at times unable or even unwilling to comprehend the downside of their actions. Even the most conservative and well-organized entrepreneurs can be persuaded that with enough creativity, the risk eventually will be reduced.

Entrepreneurs who sustain their momentum know the road to success is always under construction. They leave an impression of forever arriving but never quite reaching their goal. They cannot live any other way: They are always reaching out for the next challenge. Think of them as in a constant state of transition in which the journey itself is the goal. Moreover, they don’t want to arrive because then it is all over— and what do they do next?

In the beginning stages of their respective organizations, entrepreneurs explicitly or implicitly direct their energy and attention into areas where they are at their best and then surround themselves with people who can complement them with additional expertise and skill. They know this: Force is never the remedy. They know the organization will not endure, much less grow, if people are not allowed to contribute within the realm of their own free will. Indeed, these entrepreneurs know that they cannot motivate people. They carry a hope and a commitment to themselves and put immense effort into creating a set of conditions under which people will want to deliver superior performance.

Entrepreneurs seldom fall ill and are certainly not hypochondriacs. They are so devoted to their cause, people, goals, and work that they don’t allow illness to enter into the equation.

Although not all entrepreneurs start their entities with a master plan, a vision soon emerges. Also, through the school of hard knocks, they learn that becoming number one is easier than staying number one. In the process of growing their organizations, these entrepreneurs seem to have omniscient vision and an ability to pay attention to everything, while at the same time understanding and following through with their priorities.

Entrepreneurs who sustain their momentum know the road to success is always under construction.


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