Joel de Rosnay

je vous demande de visionner le video de Joel de Rosnay sur l’incinerateur de la Chaumière.

Maurice l’île durable, que devons nous faire?

Il nous demande de nous mobiliser. Demandons que le tri soit fait afin de nous preserver de la dioxine.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 pascal on 03.10.09 at 9:18 pm

I think he is right to say that the whole project is opaque and the mutism of both parties,i.e the promoteurs and the authorities forces us to think that is “Anguille Sous Roche”.It is unacceptable and shocking that only one man is standing to say “NO” to such project that could harm lives forever. Where is our so called ” Caring Government” ?, how do they intend to cope with such situation where money making and life saving are opposed?
In fact we do not have in Mauritius sufficient expertise in that field as it is the first of it’s kind here to give an accurate overview of the ” pour et contre ” as Mr De Rosnay did.Let’s hope that there won’t be an ” a peu pres” approach to all aspects that concerns the health and safety from the authorities and the promoteurs.Should thing becomes difficult or impossible to carry on giving your wise advice,Mr De Rosnay , the best thing is to keep your” liberte de penser” .
Let’s all strive to make our island free from toxic pollutions for a better futur!

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