October 1st China National Day


China National day was celebrated yesterday. With a pinch of the heart, I felt sad for not watching the grandiose celebration on CCTV yesterday.  Is my attachment with the country of my birth teasing me?  This morning I browse through the web to inform me of the celebrations. Over 2 thousand articles there of, are found by google. I selected some of the articles: those who are published by the Chinese organ Xinhua and China Daily, AFP and Reuters, and lastly those published from the Washington Post and the Indian Press. Unfortunately I am not able to read the Russian news correspondent which would have been interesting, in relation to the Sino Russian relationship.

I picked up a comment on the Washington Post which I found telling:

Hainan, China: Why is the media so obsessed with highlighting the military part of the celebration? I just finished watching the evening celebrations and there was zero military, just singing, dancing and fireworks galore. The daytime parade also had thousands of dancers and to be frank, watching it one could easily have missed the parade of military segments. It’s nothing more than when the military bands play in the Rose Parade or flybys by jets during the Fourth of July. The country is trying to have some fun and to celebrate. There was a significant emphasis on peace in symbols during the festivities. Western coverage was extremely biased, even using words like “gaudy” to describe the floats, which I thought were great! Why not an article on how they coordinated the whole thing, simply amazing.

Indeed, as a person for peace, I concur fully with the comments above.

May China for one and other mega powers stop to show their mega military might during their national day celebrations.

I found the time line published by Financial Times to be very useful for a quick high lights of 60 years.

I am reading these days on the  Mixed Blooded Tang Dynasty , the China Golden Age!


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