Aquaculture in Mauritius

In an article published last Thursday on L’Express, we were informed of the inauguration of an aquaculture farm in Bambous: Val Farms Ltd. It is a laudable project and hopefully the drive and competency of this young entrepreneur will be crowned with success. All previous attempts to breed fresh water fish & prawns have not lasted for many reasons.  Flopped Berri Rouge  farming was the last attempt which was sponsored by the government fisheries department. The Mauritian public turned their back to the Berri rouge fish and would not accept to consume the fish. Barramundi the Australian fish would appear to appeal more to the local taste; the proof of the budding will be in the eating. Good luck and a courageous salute to Mr. Mike Koon.

To produce 60000tons of fish per year with an investment of 4 millions rupees seems too good to be true. I suspect that the reporter must have mixed up to figures. It was stated in the article that Mauritius imported 58 million rupees worth of fish. Will the farms be producing fish worth 5400 000 000 rupees based on the indicative price of Rs 45/ per half kilo?

Extract from L’Express


La première récolte de berris rouges se fera dans deux mois. “Après une étude de marché, nous avons trouvé que le berri rouge avait un grand potentiel d’exploitation pour nous”, révèle Mike Koon. L’australien barramundi a, quant à lui, été plus compliqué à gérer de par son adaptation difficile. “À chaque fois, il faut importer le barramundi et le taux de mortalité est très élevé. Nous en avons importé 84 000 et pensons en récolter 5 000 en août. Mais nous espérons avoir des géniteurs pour pouvoir reproduire les barramundis ici”,affirme Mike Koon. Selon lui, le barramundi a aussi un grand potentiel car sa chair serait comparable à celle de la “Vielle Rouge”.

La ferme de Bambous a nécessité un investissement tournant autour des Rs 4 millions. Elle emploie aujourd’hui dix personnes. Le projet est une idée de l’oncle de Mike Koon, mais ce dernier s’était déjà spécialisé dans l’aquaculture. “J’ai étudié pendant quatre ans en Australie et j’ai aussi travaillé dans des organisations gouvernementales dans le domaine là-bas”, explique-t-il. Il a aussi assuré la formation de tout son personnel.

60 000 tonnes par an

Pour sa première récolte, Val Farms Ltd devrait avoir un rendement variant entre 3 000 et 5 000 tonnes de poissons. Sur le long terme, l’entreprise a une capacité de récolte de 60 000 tonnes par an. Elle compte aussi inclure les camarons dans son élevage. “Pour l’instant, nous avons quelques camarons à l’état expérimental. Nous voulons les avoir en biculture plus tard”, conclut Mike Koon.

Maurice importe actuellement du poisson à hauteur de Rs 58 millions par an. Val Farms Ltd espère trouver preneur pour ses poissons rapidement. Pour l’instant, il est prévu que le berri rouge soit mis en vente à Rs 45 le demi-kilo et le barramundi à Rs 80 le demi-kilo.


#1 LEE on 06.20.07 at 3:23 pm

L’aquaculture reste la seule façon à ne pas piller les resources de la mer- Bravo pour l’initiateur
Une Mauricienne

#2 joseph on 08.17.07 at 8:30 pm

I have been keeping a close watch on Barramundi
BARRAMUNDI. here is the latest I have in August 07

Bobs Farm’s Tailor Made Fish Farms has signed a licensing agreement which will result in six barramundi farms being built in the US, Canada and Mexico. The company Aquaponics International bought the exclusive rights for $1 million, with each farm to cost an additional $500,000. The farms will each produce 80 tonnes in the first 12 months, reaching a 130-tonne capacity. Tailor Made is also in discussion with several companies in each of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Operations manager Peter Francis advises Tailor Made has the only recirculating aquaculture system which has been able to reproduce consistently. Construction of the first farm, in Nevada, will begin in nine months.
Source: Josh Leeson in the Port Stephens Examiner (9/8/2007).

IN 2006 the Tiwi people of Melville and Bathurst Islands in the NT bought an abandoned experimental barramundi sea cage farm from the company Marine Harvest, including the intellectual property relating to the project. The Tiwi people are now seeking investors to restart the farm, which is the largest barramundi sea cage farm in Australia. Marine Harvest’s plan was to develop an industry producing 6000 tonnes of fish annually, valued at
$45 million at the farm gate. Potential investors can contact Dr Craig Foster at email for more information.
Source: Peter Murphy in the North Queensland Register (26/7/2007).

FEAST OF BARRAMUNDI FROM HAWKER AREA SCHOOL Early in August students at the Hawker Area School invited community members to sample barramundi prepared and served after being grown in aquaculture tanks located in the school grounds. The Year 7,8 and 9 students were taking part in the local Le Cordon Bleu Farm to Table Challenge. To participate, students must grow, produce, package, market and sell regional food. They must photograph and document their efforts to submit for judging in the national competition. Fish from the school aquaculture project are sold to regional hotels and restaurants.
Source: Jill Pengelley in the Adelaide Advertiser (8/8/2007).

In September, Savage Fish will begin selling barramundi at the Shepparton Farmer’s market. The business opened a new aquaculture facility in May, producing premium barramundi – and will soon diversify into breeding Murray Cod. The operation is an indoor arrangement with 25 tanks holding 18,000 litres of water running in a closed recirculation system. In August there were 4,000 fish on site. Managing director Jen Savage advises the business will build towards a regular volume and then commence sales to restaurants. Since barramundi cannot be legally bred in Victoria, most of the fingerlings are currently sourced from SA.
Source: Rebecca Tampion in the Country News insert (6/8/2007).

#3 aks on 04.24.13 at 11:19 am

are those barramundi introduced in our lakes and reservoires.It would be great to have them there for us local people to consume.

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