Basked in Bliss

Some of you may be wondering what has happened to me and my blog. Silence Radio! Turned sour since the last blog? True! I have been silent since the 22nd September. I even got a call from Nazlee a regular reader of my blog, who inquired about my absence on the web and my blog. As a matter of fact, the sourness mellowed as prior to my departure I had an apology from the person mentioned in my last posting. Great it was a good omen for my holiday.

I have been on holiday, may be. I have been through a period of‘re-creation’ as we use to call similar break period during my primary school days. “Recreation” is a lovely word. Indeed all the homosapiens of this world need breaks to recreate themselves. We do indeed recreate ourselves each time we go back to sleep, our nightly break. Our medical FRCP doctor could explain to us: ‘How much our body needs to repair itself during our daily sleep of some 6-8 hours of apparently inactive period.’ Our brain specialist would tell you how important this apparent inactive period of our body is active to our brain and allows us, so to say in computer language, to reset the programmes and sort out the memory files to get ourselves ready for the next reboot.

Viva my recreation period! I had a span of physical regeneration with sessions of laser poncture @ La Chapelle Montlinard. For a week we were in a French gite in company of my wife, daughter Stephane and grandson Jake who both flew from Montreal for our family reunion holiday and my wife’s brother, Clement and his son Nicolas. With the gathering it was Fiesta.We had excellent weather, Indian summer, every meal mouth watering french food, and tasty French wine of the region, Pouilly Fume. I gave a break to my usual fat controlled diet, Ahoy charcuterie! Ahoy fromage de chevre!Oh la la Crotin de Chavinol from the region of Cher! We collected fresh walnuts and enjoyed their freshness. I basked in bliss.

The second week was an intellectual regeneration week. First I met with one of the official of ‘La Caisse des depots et des consignations’ who was involved with studies of “La Prospective des entreprises”. We spent time discussing about the future of entreprises and the world. Pure joy! One of my favorite topics! He gave me his working document. I was again basking in bliss. The week carried on with a conference with Alain Comte Sponville: “Le Sens du Travail” with my friends from APM Reunion and Mauritius. The crowning of the week was the 20th celebration of APM at a cocktail to meet all the friends of APM and a convention of the clubs of APM with an attendance of 2200 entrepreneurs magnificently organised at Le Palais des Congres. The speeches and forums were music to my ears. I basked in bliss.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 STEPH on 10.17.07 at 5:18 pm

Thank you both, Jake and I had a wonderful time in your company. Jake still talks about how lucky he was to go to Paris and reminisces about small episodes of our stay like the nuts gathering, his helper job to koungkoung and all the yummy foods…

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