What is NLP?

As most of you who live in Mauritius, you would have enjoyed a Holyday today: The Feast of the lord Ganesh, the god of wisdom. I flashed back to the days ,when I used to frequently visit Bombay and attended the feast at Elephanta caves,an island across The Gate of India in Colaba. The eve of the festival day now gave me the opportunity to sleep late so that I could enjoy the late morning wake up.The wake time was spent refreshing my old notes and browsing the web on the new developments thereon.

You will recall that at age 48, I decided to reequip myself with new competencies to further my active life. Indeed, one of the subjects I studied was NLP. You will find at least 2 links to NLP institutions which will explain to you what it is all about and how NLP could help you in your life. These life skills, to which I have been initiated to, worked wonders for me. I now realized how these skills transformed my outlook in life and how the acquired skills were of the greatest help to me during the rough time I traveled the recent years.

Would you like to be more in control of your behavior? Would you like to be more conscious of your moods and act more calmly in a way to achieve what you really want? Would you like to have better communications skills to understand others and be able to influence them? Would you like to be more creative and happier? What about learning to learn?

NLP incorporates a number of techniques and more importantly integrates the latest discoveries in the functioning of the Brain.

This morning when I lazily got out of my bed, I thought that I might have acquired more wisdom: Thanks to NLP


#1 Joseph’s blog » Blog Archive » Mauritius China on 09.02.06 at 9:15 pm

[…] By my origin, as you may know, coming from a Chinese origin family, of parents born in Maurituis, I have the privilege of being a Mauritius citizen born in China.CBC (China born Chinese) as opposed to my MBC parents! A proud Mauritian, I am. To live on our Island and be exposed to the diversity of cultures at close range, I bet, is not usual. Then to be conscious of it and to take benefit of the unique situation would be wise and clever. This presents an advantage over most men of the world. We, Mauritian should be more aware of our unique heritage laid down for us and be avid to reap the fruit of these assets.I trust you enjoyed my recent blog taking you to India and the Elephanta caves for the feast of Lord Ganesh. […]

#2 Prem on 03.02.07 at 2:18 pm

Check my blog on Elephanta festival 2007, here http://anandham.blogspot.com/2007/03/night-at-elephanta-after-escaping-from.html


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