Mauritius China

China Today

By my origin, as you may know, coming from a Chinese origin family, of parents born in Maurituis, I have the privilege of being a Mauritius citizen born in China.CBC (China born Chinese) as opposed to my MBC parents! A proud Mauritian, I am. To live on our Island and be exposed to the diversity of cultures at close range, I bet, is not usual. Then to be conscious of it and to take benefit of the unique situation would be wise and clever. This presents an advantage over most men of the world. We, Mauritian should be more aware of our unique heritage laid down for us and be avid to reap the fruit of these assets.I trust you enjoyed my recent blog taking you to India and the Elephanta caves for the feast of Lord Ganesh.

I have a foible for China. The obvious case may be because of my family back ground but the stronger case element is “what China presents in population size and what China will command in the future as an Economic power house”. To that matter, every single soul in the world has a stake to watch out China.

I read through a paper presented by Prof. LI Hongtu at a ENS conference in Lyons in 2004 which is still relevant & pertinent.

Reading similar documents nurtures my quest for understanding, learning and expanding my perspectives. I pray that they do the same to you. Bonne Lecture.( our frenchie touch yet another gift bestowed upon us) Enjoy…


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