To blog or not to blog?

I invite you to read the above named article which is featured on the Wharton School Publishing dated 10 November.

I found that the different views given by the writers to be very pertinent and informative.

The point of view I adhere most to is:

“While Kendall Whitehouse, Wharton’s senior director of student and instructional technology, agrees that, in general, “there’s more noise than signal” in much of the blogosphere, he also stresses that this doesn’t mean that there is no value in blogs. In addition to following a number of individual bloggers whose opinions he respects, Whitehouse finds worth in the aggregate voice of the blogosphere. “Sites like let you track what’s happening in the blogging world in near real-time,” states Whitehouse, and can “give you an instant snapshot of what topics people are talking about.” Viewed in this way, the blogosphere may exhibit the same “wisdom of the crowd” phenomenon of community-developed content sites like Wikipedia.”

We are more so today, in a maze where the reliable and the unreliable information are mixed and confounded. The questions are: How to select them? Who are the issuers of the blogs and how reliable are they? Is n’t it a practice of our discerning skills?

Enjoy accessing to the Wharton School Publishing!


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