People met at IVAC

We met with an interesting couple who left the Ayurvedic Center last night: Juan Ramon, a performance artist from Peru. After a successful career in giving concert in his country and in many overseas countries, is now with his american wife from Colorado spending some time visiting India. Juan Ramon has taken up playing sitar and teaching music in Hurdowar. He has, during his extended stay in India, been composing fusion music. A fusion blend of latin South American sounds with Indian tempo and beats played on various string instruments is his present passion. He has composed a number of pieces which will soon be produced and released soon.They spend some of their time meditating and educating themselves on Indian Culture and Traditions. They are eagerly reading the Vedas and resourcing themselves in the wisdom that can be drawn from the ancient Indian writings.

I found it extremely enriching talking to people with such creativity and willing to be different from the crowd in their ways.  The Difference that makes the difference! Yes, indeed each of us is unique and different. Each of us need to make our mark in bringing our single contribution to the universe. Have you thought out which different contributions are you bringing to your entourage, your loved ones, spouse, parents. children and friends? I am asking, here and now, this  very question to myself.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 joseph on 11.29.06 at 12:42 pm

Good to have some news from you and I see from your blog which I have just visited for a few minutes that you take great pleasure in discovering interesting personalities while you are being rejuvenated, pampered and educated to a healthy life style.

I am sure that you will come out of this experience a reinvigorated and richer man from all the aryuvedic sessions and such fruitful encounters.

Kindly let us know about all the benefits you have reaped so that I may one day convince Emmanuel to detox himself. I know I need one to be more fit.

I had 2 foot massages in China and I felt to have new pairs of legs!

Kind regards to you all and enjoy the richness and wisdom of Indian Culture.


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