Traits of a leader by Tom Peters

This morning I woke up with the thought “how was it difficult to optimize the logistics in any business”? In fact, to a large extent I have spent a large portion of my working career on this subject. Optimization of the logistics is the essence of running of a successful business operations. I was first time awakened to the concept of logistics, way back to a management course I attended in the early 70’s at BOAC in London when we were given a very tedious exercise and were taught the use of “Critic Path Analysis” as first time designed by the brilliant logistics experts in the project of “Polaris” the missile in the 50’s.
To have on the selves of a supermarket the right product ,in sufficient number of units at the time when the customer would like to have them at the right price is the aim of the businessman. Matching demand and the offer at the right time, right price and in the optimum quantity is more easily said that done.Just in time delivery is the buzz word!
Tom Peters, the management Guru that I have been reading since the early 80’s in his books and now almost daily, on his blog had always impressed me in his insistence that logistics are to be performed at perfection.

In my notes, I had for my memory sake, summarized the 10 traits of a leader from articles and books published by Tom Peters.Here they are:

1. Leaders create opportunities.

2. Leaders do!

3. Leaders re-do.

4. Leaders convey a grand design.

5. Leaders make mistakes.

6. Leaders nurture other leaders.

7. Leaders are great performers.

8. Leaders accept responsibility.

9. Leaders take breaks.

10. Leaders do stuff that matters.

Logistics will come under item 4.:the grand Design.