Is it a FEAT to be a successful Entrepreneur in Mauritius?

The management of your reputation to bring up trust with the people you deal with is of prime importance.


Most people have reputations in crisis due to fear. They avoid doing the right thing because of fear. They hurt others because of fear, but most importantly, they hurt themselves because of fear. To overcome fear, we all need to think of someone bigger than ourselves. Being humble enough to ask yourself the following question is a good place to start: how am I hurting and affecting other people with my behavior?


 Ego management

Ego management is an important first step in reputation management. When your ego grows too big, it is impossible to best repair your reputation. Replace ego-driven communication with humble, honest and transparent communication and you will be on your way to repairing your reputation.



To best build, maintain or repair an excellent reputation for a lifetime, you must set up a true accountability structure in your life. Who is your accountability partner? Most people really don’t have one. A true accountability relationship includes honesty with a capital H. You must be fully honest and share all of your struggles and wrong doing with your accountability partner. You must also give your accountability partner permission to “call you” on the things you are doing wrong and also allow your accountability partner to praise you for the things you are doing right. Your friend, spouse, sibling, pastor or therapists are all excellent examples of accountability partners.

 Trust :Truth vs. Spin

Truth and honesty are the greatest building blocks or “bricks” of reputation management. Spin is a four-letter word. Spin is a lie and it is not your friend. Avoid spin (lies) to avoid a reputation in crisis. To be honest with others, you first must be honest with yourself. Honesty creates trust and trust is your reputation’s greatest friend.


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