NLP Mauritius Practitioner Group

I am so pleased that a NLP Practitioner group is now in place and have started its activity. Last Thursday a group of interested  twenty three persons got together to improve their skills to become better.

Is it a breakthrough in Mauritius to have an NLP practitioner group? As far as I know this is a first unless proved contrarily. I gathered that there have been various NLP training given by NLP trainers: <known to me> namely David Molden from the UK , other trainers from Singapore , and a trainer from France who I had commissioned many years ago. On a short training course, usually 2-3 days, awareness of NLP practices and principles may be achieved, knowledge transfer may occur but I believe that not much skills transfer may be achieved.

For my personal experience, I underwent the first time a total 300 hours of contact training in Bath with John Seymour in a total immersion process to build in some skills. It  lasted a whole month. My skills were further honed by the masters of NLP in Colorado with the oldest and most reputed NLP organisation.

As far as NLP knowledge is concerned is concerned, thanks to the generosity of Robert Dilts anybody can read, study and consult for free the NLP encyclopedia.

In my previous blog I stated the possible benefits of NLP skills.

This is a new journey for me and I am confident it will be a fruitful one. It was fantastic to see the collective learning oozing from the practitioner group. It reinforced my belief and conviction in the power of collective power in learning.