Ayurveda Alchemic Dream

Yesterday after lunch at the Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre, I lingered awhile at the common lobby to digest my great vegetarian lunch and to have a social chit chat with the reception staff. Past by the lunch room to get back to my chalet, I found two European looking guys who were still eating well after the normal lunch opening hour.

My interrogative face immediate got an answer from Sunil, the luncheon Captain without having had to utter a single word from my part. This only demonstrated the power of people to read the visual expression of others. The phenomenon is particularly true and widely used by persons in service industries where they are trained and continuously anticipating the needs of their clients. Bravo to Sunil! Who read my mind promptly? By the way I am reading EMOTIONS REVEALED by Paul Ekman. The reading has probably prompted this present diversion to my present story!

“Sir, these gentlemen came in for a late treatment and we are giving them lunch now” Sunil said.

To my greatest surprise, I heard them speaking French with a Quebecois accent. Needless to say, I had to greet them and was burning to know more about them. They told me that they are on a business trip to Mysore and just concluded a deal with a local partner to establish a joint venture company in the field of computers. On being asked where I came from? I played the game which I pull out from my bag of tricks. “I shall pay you 50 Dollars if you give my country and you will be allowed 5 answers and for each wrong answer I shall reduce 10 dollars from the prize. The first answer was Japan. No, you are left with 40 dollars. Thereafter Vietnam! Laos! They were searching for Asian country where French was spoken. Canada! Australia! “Now that you have consumed your 5 chances it would be you to pay me 10 Dollars for each new reply” I retorted. With this joke we broke the ice.

Ile Maurice bien sur! They were in development of online computer games and have been in this line for a number of years. One of their customers is in Reunion Island. Philippe Nadeau explained to me very briefly the niche market they were exploiting within the Computer Games market. Guess who their customers in Reunion were? Frederic Caille & Alfred Chane Pane! My APM Reunion island pals! Olala! Que le monde est petit!

Soon Alchemic Dream India will be born to give service to the world and cover the world time zone. According to them their business is growing exponentially. The market for online computer games is only budding and the potential is enormous.

This is the tale of Ayurveda and world wide online Computer games. What alchemy?


#1 Olivier on 11.25.06 at 7:37 pm

Wow, alchemy indeed =)
I am happy to hear that your adventure to Mysore is going well.

God bless

#2 joseph on 11.27.06 at 3:37 pm

I thought of you when talking to the Quebecois! World wide online games!

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