Mauricien rencontre Mauricien a Mysore

This afternoon of Christmas, has been a wonderful day in Mysore. Beautiful blue sky , sunny with a very comfortable ambient temperature! The day started off with the official launching of the Department of Clinical research in integrative medicine of Ivac with the University of Mysore and Vikram Hospital. Journalists and other dignitaries were assembled for the occasion in the Yoga Hall when the ceremonial light was ignited in front of the staff and guests.A sweet drink made of herbs and honey was served to grace the moment.All Ayurvedic treatments were delayed for the occasion.


Whilst sitting and chatting at the reception with a guest, I saw walking up the stairs a face that looked familiar. It looked to me to be a franco Mauritian but I was unsure. Then after I re-saw the couple on the terrace sipping their herbal tea. This time, no mistake I could see the face of either a Maujean or a Hein! On hearing the franco accent coming out of his mouth,I made out: Hein! It was Louis Hein , the brother of Philippe Hein who was the Personnel Director of Rogers & Co in the 70’s.They were on visit in India and they have decided to spend 5 days touring Karnataka before a hopping tour of Rajasthan palaces.
Le monde est petit!