Entries from November 2006 ↓

Dr Krishna U.K.

We had lunch today with Dr. Krishna U.K.  He is the external ayurvedic authority advising IVAC. Whilst talking to him, we were stunned by his knowledge and life carreer.  He is presently the director of an ayurvedic teaching institution, of all places, Tokyo, Japan!  Some 20 years ago, when he graduated as a medical doctor in ayurveda, he was selected to travel to Japan to share his knowledge for a month. Thereon, he continued his studies in Japan where he learnt Japanese and obtained a PHD from a Japanese national university. His thesis, though related to the medical field, did  not cover ayurveda.  He studied the effect of charged isotopes, methyle alcohol on animals with specific diseases.  His papers were published in American universities.

I am very lucky to have met him and to get his advice on my condition.  He has, in the past, treated 100 similar cases. He proposes to treat my case with herbs and procedures that have been used for centuries whilst not being written in the ayurvedic manuals. These procedures and herbs respect fully the logic of ayurvedic cures.   Dr. Krishna travels regularly to other countries to give lectures on ayurveda.

Le 8eme Jour a IVAC

Ici tout va bien; massage tête et épaules pendant 15 mins, à 4 mains sur les jambes et fessiers, quel délice!! En plus, stimulation de la main droite tous les jours suivie d’une marche de 15 minutes avant le dîner. Check up médical quotidien, à ce régime là, si je n’améliore pas, on aura tout essayé!! Marie Anne aussi adore ses massages quotidiens et se sent très légère, surtout après les résultats des enemas! Aujourd’hui notre detox de 8 jours se termine, et nous allons élaborer un programme pour les jours à venir avec le docteur en chef. Sinon, nous avons droit à de la nourriture strictement vegetarienne, délicieuse et variée Des dholls, toujours de dholls au menu, mais différentes variétés et préparations. Par contre, au menu tous les jours, du cumin et du cari poulet, les feuilles j’entends, comme condiments. Le dicton “malbar manzere dholl” ne peut être plus vrai !!
Le cadre enchanteur du domaine avec d’innombrables cocotiers, une végétation luxuriante et choisie, avec des fleurs sur tous les parcours. Par contre, les chalets sont très confortables mais manquent de finition pour être classes 5 étoiles! Je donnerais plutôt 3 étoiles. Le personnel est extrêmement gentil, et d’une courtoisie sans faille. Leur compréhension de l’anglais est suffisamment correcte, sans pourtant être très poussée, car nous sommes dans l’état de Karnataka et la langue est le karnak, même pas l’hindi, qu’ils comprennent par ailleurs.

En face de notre chalet se construisent deux salles de massage supplémentaires. Ils ont déjà tracé au sol les repères et fouillent les tranchées pour les fondations. Il sont très bien équipés, car les travaux et dessins sont effectués par leur ingénieur résident de la propriété, avec une manœuvre recrutée temporairement pour la durée de la construction. Ils comptent terminer les deux salles d’ici un mois pour répondre à la demande grandissante, surtout les week-ends où il y a une forte clientèle locale, friquée.

Quel bonheur d’être à l’IVAC !!!

People met at IVAC

We met with an interesting couple who left the Ayurvedic Center last night: Juan Ramon, a performance artist from Peru. After a successful career in giving concert in his country and in many overseas countries, is now with his american wife from Colorado spending some time visiting India. Juan Ramon has taken up playing sitar and teaching music in Hurdowar. He has, during his extended stay in India, been composing fusion music. A fusion blend of latin South American sounds with Indian tempo and beats played on various string instruments is his present passion. He has composed a number of pieces which will soon be produced and released soon.They spend some of their time meditating and educating themselves on Indian Culture and Traditions. They are eagerly reading the Vedas and resourcing themselves in the wisdom that can be drawn from the ancient Indian writings.

I found it extremely enriching talking to people with such creativity and willing to be different from the crowd in their ways.  The Difference that makes the difference! Yes, indeed each of us is unique and different. Each of us need to make our mark in bringing our single contribution to the universe. Have you thought out which different contributions are you bringing to your entourage, your loved ones, spouse, parents. children and friends? I am asking, here and now, this  very question to myself.

Captain Jim Cox

For the last 3 evenings, we were seated in the dinner lounge next to an elderly gentleman, American looking with a crew cut, with a slow demeanour, he looked to me to be quite old and yet, quite fit. This was my chance to get to know him better. Born in 1919, Jim Cox had a very successful career as a sea farer, he started life in the army to be trained as a marine cadet. During the war, he had 3 years of training, and fought in the 2nd world war. One of his greatest joys of life was the moment he left the academy. He was then happy to be liberated from the army and yet, was lost as many of his then colleagues were, when they were relieved from their disciplined and strict life. Luckily for Jim, he immediately found employment as an officer in Delta Shipping formerly known as Mississipi Steamship co. After a few years of sailing for that company, he was promoted to captainship, and for the next 17 years he sailed as a sea captain on a passenger and cargo vessel from New Orleans to the South American ports. During that time he met his German wife who was then a passenger on the ship. He married her at age 37 while she was only 21. Their union gave them 2 sons, the elder one is presently an airline pilot instructor, whilst the second one is a Yoga teacher based in Bangkok. Jim talked about his second son with much emotion; in fact, when he divorced his wife, 20 years ago, when the lattter son was only 14, and that, in a way, caused a lot of trouble to the son’s upbringing. He had quite a bit of problem to educate his second son because of the broken family situation. He even thought, during one of his trip to Israel, to send his son to be trained in a kibboutz, to give him a more regimented life. This son chose to follow his friends in a Japanese homestay program where he enjoyed learning Japanese and even managed to find temporary work in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Later on, the blue eyed blond son travelled to India and more particularly to Bihar State, to learn yoga. Afterwards, he also obtained a diploma in yoga training from a New York institute. His studio in Bangkok now, not only dispenses yoga lessons, but is also a centre for yoga teachers’ training.

At his age, Jim lives on his own, sharing his time between his apartment in Pattaya and the one in Seattle. He prided himself to have worked until age 70 and was still very active when asked to retire, in spite of his will to stay on. Somewhat, out of obligation, he wanted to work further because his divorce got him into financial strains. But he admitted that, looking back today, he lives comfortably with his pension and savings. What he enjoys today is travelling and discovering new places and things. His immediate plan is to spend the next week in the hill station of Ooti which is 150 miles away from Mysore. From this encounter, I could sense a person of great self independence, with a positive mind and very much in touch with reality.

I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet such a character, and the lesson I draw from this encounter is that, in spite of any difficult situation, with a positive mind, self –reliance, and looking towards the future, you will always be able to triumph over the difficulties. THANK YOU Jim.

Reflexion Dominicale

Jn 18,33-37.

Alors Pilate rentra dans son palais, appela Jésus et lui dit : « Es-tu le roi des Juifs ? »

Jésus lui demanda : « Dis-tu cela de toi-même, ou bien parce que d’autres te l’ont dit ?

Pilate répondit : « Est-ce que je suis Juif, moi ? Ta nation et les chefs des prêtres t’ont livré à moi : qu’as-tu donc fait ? »

Jésus déclara : « Ma royauté ne vient pas de ce monde ; si ma royauté venait de ce monde, j’aurais des gardes qui se seraient battus pour que je ne sois pas livré aux Juifs. Non, ma royauté ne vient pas d’ici. »

Pilate lui dit : « Alors, tu es roi ? » Jésus répondit : « C’est toi qui dis que je suis roi. Je suis né, je suis venu dans le monde pour ceci : rendre témoignage à la vérité. Tout homme qui appartient à la vérité écoute ma voix. »

J’ai relu le texte de l’évangile de ce dimanche en vivant cette scène comme si j’étais présent. J’ai l’impression qu’il avait un dialogue de sourds entre Jésus et Pilate : une incompréhension totale.

Ne sommes nous de temps en temps « Pilate » quand nous sommes incapables de comprendre le langage et signes que Dieu nous donne ? Ou, mieux encore, quand cela nous arrange d’être sourd à Jesus quand il nous parle à travers de notre prochain ?  En effet, nous sommes comme Pilate etait sourd aux paroles de jesus car il n’avait de coeur a l’entendre.

Etre Roi des Juifs dans la langue de Jésus veut dire Roi pour être au service des autres. Le Roi c’est le plus grand serviteur de tous. Dans le langage du monde, être Roi c’est pour être servi et régner sur ses sujets avec autorité. Jésus ajouta : « Je suis né, je suis venu dans le monde pour ceci : rendre témoignage à la vérité. Tout homme qui appartient à la vérité écoute ma voix »

Si nous sommes des hommes qui appartiennent à la vérité, alors nous devrons entendre qu’il est bien Roi dans son langage. Le Roi suprême est le serviteur suprême venu se sacrifier pour notre rédemption.

Vive notre Roi, notre Sauveur.

Ainsi tout en vivant dans ce monde, nous avons pour but comme Jésus de ne pas vivre pour ce monde. Notre destin et but de vivre ici et maintenant ont comme objectif final d’atteindre l’autre monde où notre Christ Roi nous attend. Nous avons donc une vie matérielle sur terre et aussi une vie spirituelle à mener.

Dengue Fever Encounters

Last night we had dinner with two charming ladies who were spending a few days at IVAC. We came to meet them,when we heard them speaking French. I could boast myself for having been able to identify their origin. I managed to identify from the accent that they were from Switzerland. Yet, I am hopeful to improve my acuity to be able to identify the region of Switzerland from the accent. They were from Neuchatel.

They have been touring India for a few weeks. During this trip one of them caught Dengue Fever. She had to be hospitalised and was kept in confinement for a week.During that period she said that she felt very weak and could neither walk nor stand.She had to lie in bed and at that time had a partial loss of memory. She was last night much better and really enjoyed the meal as she had regained appetite.

Some parts of India are under a spell of Dengue Fever right now. Travellers to India should be careful and protect themselves from the bites of the Tiger mosquitoes.She still carries the toxins which will be eliminated from her body system slowly. Marie Anne suggested that she takes “Xango” drink to help eliminate the toxins.

May we wish Heidi better health and enjoy the rest of her Indian sojourn.

Ayurveda Alchemic Dream

Yesterday after lunch at the Indus Valley Ayurvedic Centre, I lingered awhile at the common lobby to digest my great vegetarian lunch and to have a social chit chat with the reception staff. Past by the lunch room to get back to my chalet, I found two European looking guys who were still eating well after the normal lunch opening hour.

My interrogative face immediate got an answer from Sunil, the luncheon Captain without having had to utter a single word from my part. This only demonstrated the power of people to read the visual expression of others. The phenomenon is particularly true and widely used by persons in service industries where they are trained and continuously anticipating the needs of their clients. Bravo to Sunil! Who read my mind promptly? By the way I am reading EMOTIONS REVEALED by Paul Ekman. The reading has probably prompted this present diversion to my present story!

“Sir, these gentlemen came in for a late treatment and we are giving them lunch now” Sunil said.

To my greatest surprise, I heard them speaking French with a Quebecois accent. Needless to say, I had to greet them and was burning to know more about them. They told me that they are on a business trip to Mysore and just concluded a deal with a local partner to establish a joint venture company in the field of computers. On being asked where I came from? I played the game which I pull out from my bag of tricks. “I shall pay you 50 Dollars if you give my country and you will be allowed 5 answers and for each wrong answer I shall reduce 10 dollars from the prize. The first answer was Japan. No, you are left with 40 dollars. Thereafter Vietnam! Laos! They were searching for Asian country where French was spoken. Canada! Australia! “Now that you have consumed your 5 chances it would be you to pay me 10 Dollars for each new reply” I retorted. With this joke we broke the ice.

Ile Maurice bien sur! They were in development of online computer games and have been in this line for a number of years. One of their customers is in Reunion Island. Philippe Nadeau explained to me very briefly the niche market they were exploiting within the Computer Games market. Guess who their customers in Reunion were? Frederic Caille & Alfred Chane Pane! My APM Reunion island pals! Olala! Que le monde est petit!

Soon Alchemic Dream India will be born to give service to the world and cover the world time zone. According to them their business is growing exponentially. The market for online computer games is only budding and the potential is enormous.

This is the tale of Ayurveda and world wide online Computer games. What alchemy?

Mysore Ayurveda

After a good trip on the Air Mauritius flight from Mauritius to Mumbai we landed half an hour earlier than scheduled. The Mumbai Airport was chaotic as usual; I saw no improvement in the cleanliness. I had to wait for my wheelchair for a good half hour after the exit of all the passengers. I was glad to meet my old friend Oscar who is still in post as the Station Manager of Air Mauritius @ Bombay Airport. I have to admit that there was a substantial improvement at the immigrations counters. The immigration and customs halls were well planned; the queue was orderly managed and the immigration & customs officers were courteous and welcoming. A pleasant surprise for me!

The hassle came when we had to check in our baggage to our flight to Bangalore at the international airport. A queue of at least 30 passengers for only two counters at 1 am in the morning. The average check in per person took at least 5 minutes per person. Luckily we had Bob Fernando to help us through. We just had to relax and wait. Patience is a virtue to acquire and practice in those circumstances. Mr. Raju Kulkarni, a friend of Bob drove from Poona ( 200 kms away) purposefully to meet us.He runs Roj Entreprises. He took us to a restaurant to relax and have some tea while we were waiting for the flight scheduled at 6.45. A very pleasant and kind person was Mr. Kulkarni. Marie Anne, observing the shape of his face and body morphology could guess that he was a joyful, easy going and generous character. This was later confirmed by Bob who told us how generous Raju was and how, with his kindness and generosity, became prey of unscrupulous associates. Raju fortunately is a creative entrepreneur and has been able to sustain these temporary shortcomings. His main activity now is in the export of seafood out of India.

We spent a good 3 hours talking to Raju, knowing him better and learning about his projects.

We enjoyed therafter a very smooth flight and arrived in Bangalore, where we were met by Mr. Babu in the morning cool weather. He had arranged for us to freshen up at his office before starting our car journey to Mysore.

The 2 hour and a half trip in a comfortable Toyota 4 wheel drive car, was quickly passed as we were tired enough to snore and catch up with some sleep.

We thus reached IVAC a few minutes to Midday where we were led to our chalet apartment Hatai. After medical consultation with the ayurvedic doctor, we had lunch at about 3.30 p.m.! By taking our pulses, the doctor could tell our physical history since childhood, that I was always overweight, very active and organized, that I did not look after my eating habits well, not eating at regular times (which was true!). He also guessed that I liked spicy foods. The way to take the pulse reminded me of the consultation I had with the chinese doctor in Montreal. In fact, it turns out that through ayurvedic practice, the doctor can read 72 types of information pertinent to your general health, biological & emotional! My treatment started in the same evening with body massage and enema. We are in a detoxification phase (panchakarma).

Departure Today

Yes, the great today has arrived. Thanks to all of you who have contacted us to wish us a bon voyage and a good sejourn in India.

I came to realise more so the power of internet communications, particularly these few days. We have been able to communicate, leave instructions and do what have to be done..banking arrangements …etc so fast and neatly through the net.

I used my Skype call facility fully these last days. Only a few minutes ago I had spoken to my friend in Manila who called me to wish me best of luck for me ayurveda experience. I am in awe.

In the next hour, I shall be off the Bombay connecting a few hours later a Jet airways flight to Bangalore.We have booked a car for our drive to Mysore.

I am thrilled and have equipped myself with enough books,CD and dvds to last the next 10 weeks.I am confident to come out a new man when I shall be back to base in Mauritius.They promised me that internet connections are available in my next week’s outpost. So until then… See you.

Ayurveda Treatment 1

You will recall that in October last, I dropped in a few lines about Ayurveda. During these last months I have been reading a fair deal about this ancient India medicine and more importantly I have been inquiring about the possibility of undergoing therapy for my condition.

I have now decided and all arrangements are now done. My dear old friend, Bob has arranged for me to spend 10 weeks at the center. I am planning to leave on next Tuesday 22 November for 10 weeks. You will probably hear from me from Mysore, once I am settled in the Ayurvedic center.

I must admit that I have visited Mysore and the surrounding area of Bangalore some 30 years ago. I had the chance to stay in those days in the Raja of Mysore in his palace. Things have obviously changed since. You will understand my excitement to go back to place where I visited in my youth!

I still carry today, 40 years after, the same spirit of adventure and of discovery. These new experiences will only bring to me more learning and will broaden the limits of my knowledge.

Let me wish & hope that the therapy I shall undergo will be beneficial to my health. The least that I say to myself: I have tried. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

This reminds me of a story:

Once upon a time there was that poor guy, who for a couple of weeks, had been with great faith, diligently and faithfully praying & asking God to make him win the lottery. He was in great need of money to achieve a project dear to him. After the weeks of supplications, he became nervous as his request was not met by the Lord. Coming back from the chapel where he daily went to his prayer, that morning he met a friend and shared his anxiety to him. “For weeks now, the Lord has not dared to answer to my request, I am starting to get fed up” he told his friend. The friend replied back: “Did you buy a lottery ticket at least to give God a fair chance to help you?” “Aha” he said.