If YKK was mentioned what would you have thought? Hmmm…YKK a zipper…You are right it is perhaps the biggest brand name of a zipper. The association of the zipper to Dr. YKK is so creative. The creative Dr. YKK is known as the world mind unzipper.

I had the immense pleasure to have met him a couple years ago in Mauritius and Malaysia and to listen to his seminars. All along the years since, we kept in touch with each other all so often. Now YKK has embarked in a new adventure: he has decided recently to continue his career in Sydney Australia.

Dr.YKK (Kam Keong Yew, Ph.D) is an acknowledged Distinguished Talent on creativity and a former creativity adviser to Lego. He has been described as an energetic speaker, a provocative mind unzipper, an entertaining laughter guru, a masterful story-teller and bestselling author all rolled into one. This together with his wide international exposure and diverse work experience enable him to connect well with his audience.

Creative Thinking

Most entreprises waste untapped potentials which may be released by the practive of creative thinking.Using skillfully designed yet simple exercises with profound impacts, Dr.YKK interaction with his audience allow them to discover their latent creative thinking skills. The powerful de-briefing opens their minds to the practical application of their newly re-discovered skills in idea generation and solution finding. Be warned that your mind once stretched may never return to its original dimensions! The elasticity, the stretching skills once acquired stays.

Business Innovations

Supported by latest stories and surveys of global business innovations, Dr.YKK provides convincing evidence that the most profitable business in the world is selling imagination. He shares principles, provides practical techniques and involved his participants on the what, why and how of business innovations. You leave the session with a new found confidence and skills of being able to stand out from your competition. With the right processes in place World Class entreprises are continously benefiting from business innovations brought by their own staff at all levels. Higher motivation of the staff and a spirit of belonging to the company are thus experienced. The payback of creating the culture of business innovation exceed many folds the investment.

Creative Strategies

Many multinational corporations have found Dr.YKK’s pre-strategy planning session as an invaluable exercise in mind opening and out-of-the-box thinking. It acts like a catalyst that elevates their corporate planning to a whole new level. The managers become more enthusiastic and better equipped to face the challenges ahead.

He is available for keynote speeches, workshops and facilitation sessions.


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