Far East Transportation Association & Glocalisation

One of my many cherished memories of my working career was participating and helping to build an international net work of Freight Forwarders. FarEast Transportation Association ( FETA), now better known as FFSI network. I am happy that the organisation is flourishing and answering to the evolving needs of the international community of independent Forwarders.

I was called upon by the present Director Danny Angeles to write a few lines on the magazine which was published for the silver jubilee of the network.


If I told you that more than 25 years ago, a bunch of far eastern forwarders under the very able leadership of Francis Ng created the term and idea of Glocal or Glocalisation without naming it. Would you believe it?

This concept, the brainchild of our dear leader Francis and a few others, is still very much a reality and is being sucessfully implemented by a number of companies. The concept is today even being taught by Business gurus. I quote wikipedia “ Glocalisation” as a term, was first popularized in the English-speaking world by the British sociologist Roland Robertson in the 1990s, and later developed by Zygmunt Bauman.”

I dare say, that in 1981, dear Francis, Lawrence, Dany, the founders of Feta, were ahead of the world leaders by some ten years. Something to be proud of, my dear fellows!

That same year, I happened to bump into Francis, who I knew from before, in London outside a Chinese restaurant in Soho. We discussed shortly about the project of forming a network of worldwide Freight Forwarders. I immediately embraced the concept and joined into the network. A Glocal freight forwarders network was born: a very strong local Freight Forwarder with a Global outreach through a very close network of sister counterparts sharing common values.

Ever since being part of Feta, I’ve had unbelievable experiences which will never be erased from my memory. The association with Feta gave me joy, happiness, a sense of personal achievement for my learnings, friendship building and personal growth and was also fruitful for the companies for which I was producing financial results.

I got a shot of the Feta Virus. It had infected my blood and I was positively contaminated in my being. I now call all those who are infected with the virus brothers and sisters of FFSI as we all carry the same virus of loyalty, diligence, friendship, honesty, sincerity, fairness and openness within the frame of the FFSI organisation. I now realise that the Feta Virus has the FFSI glue to bond the members.

From where I nest now, retired and worn out physically, I still cannot free myself from the Feta Virus.The glue is sticking. I often get to skype or chat with so many of you despite being out of business for a number of years and keep tracking your expansion and development.

Congratulations to all of you. I am with you in spirit on this very auspicious day and moment. May I wish that FETA’s virus continue to infect more Forwarders in the world and carry on bonding them with the FFSI glue for the mutual benefits of your own companies and the customers? Long live FFSI!


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