Fr. Luis Jorge Gonzalez

In 1998, I had decided to finish my NLP certifications and took the “NLP train the trainer” course with NLP Comprehensive in Colorado USA. Whilst, I was undergoing the training with Lara Ewing, Gerry Smith,Jo Salas and other tutors, I linked up friendship with Jenny Edwards who was one of the numerous assistants of the program. Jenny shared with me her path career and told me that I should meet up with Fr. Gonzalez who would be visiting Madagascar soon after our meeting.

On my return home, I immediately contacted Fr. Gonzalez, who was professor of the Urbaniana University in Vatican City, to set up an appointment with him during his visit that year in Antananarivo. He very readily accepted to register me in a 4 day retreat that he was giving to the priests and religious persons on spiritually and NLP.

There, a few months after, I landed at Itochoa, in a Carmelite convent in company of religious participants. A very funny anecdote happened to me. On the first day of the retreat or seminar, as it is customary, the participants were asked to present themselves. In turn, we heard: “Brother so and so, been in the Carmelite congregation since X year. I am presently in Y village, responsible for the orphanage.” “Father so and so, of X Company, chaplain of Y church covering the territory of Z district.” It went on the same format for a number of times from each participant. When my turn came I said: « Père de la famille YIPTONG depuis une vingtaine année, ayant pour responsabilite la gestion et le progres de la Famille composee de Madame YIPTONG et d une fille et un garcon » The whole assembly got out of the serious atmosphere in bursts of laughter !

Fr. Luis Gonzalez shared plenty of his experiences with us and the most I retained was the use of NLP principles to bring change in our life. He must have written some 60 books, mostly published in Spanish his mother tongue. Some of them have been translated in English. Later, he told me that he visited Mauritius some years before and had run seminars for the Mauritian clergy.

As most great man, he was very kind and simple in his approach and very soft spoken. Talking to him, I could feel goodness, passion and love being radiated from him to reach my being. Thanks to Jenny Edwards for the introduction and Glory to God for the meeting with Fr. Luis. I have a collection of the English editions of Fr. Luis Gonzalez books which I read and reread all so often? The one on my bed side table now is NLP Success and personal Excellence.


#1 MArylou on 02.18.07 at 8:19 pm

Dear Bleoved one of Padre Luis Jorge

I recently met him in Juarez Mexico JAnuary 2007..We didnt get to vist.. However i would like to write to him..
Please can yous end me his email and ways to reahc him

thansk so mcuh

Marylou Krummenacker

I felt your words about him so completely describe my experience

My Spanish is limited and underfed

but I did enjoy him so much

I ahve wnated to emet him for soem years

he coems ot Juarez-el Paso onc ea year.

i go to Our of GUadlupe Bookstore and ask of him at various times
This year I was in El PAso for afuneral and dropped by

and said when wwill he come and Lupe said MAnana-Tomorrow
and it will be in Juarez

I had to find a ride and a translator but God is HIs infinite bounty and love helped and it was such a beautiful experience.
I was able to give him abook about Bahaullah as he was running out to go unot to Chichuchua that evneing

loving prayers ot you


#2 joseph on 02.20.07 at 10:09 pm

I advise you to buy his books on the internet. I do not have the Padre email address. I believe he is stationed in Rome at the following address:Teresianum Piazza S.Pancrazio 5/a
00152 Roma Italy
fone 39 06 58 54 01
Fax 39 06 58 54 03 00

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