Angel Guardian


Ever since the departure of Marie Anne, Dr Muralidhar insisted that I have somebody with me day and night. What a service!These few days were assigned to me Moncy, a young lad who recently joined the organization.Boy of 18 years, Moncy came from Punalur of the state of Kerala. He only got another sister who is now 22years old and presently working in Kuwait as a nurse.He misses his parents being 16 hours away from home, some 600 kms afar. His Mom is the most affected of his absence as she all so often phones him on his friend’s mobile phone.She is a staunch Christian and spends daily more than 3 hours praying and reading the bible.She finds solace in Christ her Saviour. Moncy is determined to learn and be trained as a ayurveda therapist.

Meanwhile I am so pleased and pampered to have an angel guardian to look after me.


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