Today is  the last day of the year 2006. The last day of the year and the night of the birth of the new year has always has been  so special to me.For this day, this year it will be for the last 60 years, the first time that I would spend it without the physical presence of my family and dear ones.As far as my memories goes, these special dates have always been shared with my loved ones.

As a child, I was ever surrounded with my parents, grand parents, aunties, uncles, cousins for the occasion of welcoming the New Year. In my youth, the 31st were also shared with friends in dancing parties and festive atmosphere, except only once I spent this very New Year’s Eve at Foyer de l’Unite Soulliac praying. But there again I was in great peace, but I was always in good company.

Fortunately, with modern technology, the internet and the mobile telephones, I shall be able to connect and be in communications with my love ones to night.The mind provides me also this magnificent sense of ubiquity. In mind or in spirit I am in relation with my family. No fear I do not feel lonely! I am in meta union with all of you, my dears.

I received last night a picture of my brother Sylvestre’s entire family who got together from through out Canada for the occasion of Christmas. There again the branch, Brothers, uncles, aunties , nieces and nephews in Quebec  shall be meeting for the occasion! As today is his birthday which was the reason he was given the name, this day is unique in our family. The 31st is for me, the memories of the celebrations of brother Sylvestre’s birthday with a very special nougat special cake which year after year were offered by his godparents TonTon Ahlone & tante Lucienne.

This very day is so pregnant of wonderful memories of time spent together with numerous people that I am in awe.This year 2007 will also be the year of the Pig, my year, I would be promoted to a new category of citizen with special privileges.

Lastly, my thoughts this morning, goes to my parents, who 61 years ago in spite of the then difficulties they were living, stresses and pressures they were then enduring, decided to found a family and to take the challenge to travel to an unknown country.They were full of hope and were consciously in faith of the blessings of God. They kept ever since and there on praying and asking for His love.Today from Heaven, they are now praising Our Lord for His Blessing.


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